BIM Building Information Model

BIM is the acronym of “Building Information Modeling” that is, an information model of a building defined by the National Building Science as the “digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of an object”.

In the creation of the current state of a building or an area, both the precision and the speed of acquisition of the information necessary to carry out this activity are fundamental elements. Thanks to the flight performance and the advanced sensors that drones are able to transport, acquisition times are reduced to a minimum. This ensures that any scheduled plant shutdowns (in industry), or access to the area where there are customers (commercial area) or workers (road and territorial area), is as non-invasive as possible.

Thanks to the use of the drone, it is possible to plan the mission (significant object) in one's own headquarters or in one's office, and then arrive on site ready for the execution of the order.

The photographs taken from above with resolutions of 36 or 42 mpx make possible a high final detail, such as for example the photogrammetric reconstruction of systems on the roof (difficult or risky for pedestrian access), any cracks or deteriorations on the roof (not always accessible for pedestrian streets, and the final mathematics always remains congruous with high standards of centimeter accuracy.



Cognitive Aviation Training is active in research, innovation and software development for flight simulators, pilot assessment and training. We fine tune various original products, used both by us and by ours partners: CITT (Cogtech Interactive Training Tools), SAP (Skill Assessment…


Cognitive Aviation Training – ATO IT.0087 trains its students on two Alsim ALX 500 FSTD, EASA Qualified as IT.077A IT.079A-B-C. These professional flight simulators  allow the proper development of Cognitive competency courses as well as the recurrent training of professional pilots and Instructors


Flight Safety is one of the core targets of our activity and crew training has a key role in the development of a structural safe behaviour. Cognitive Aviation Training empowers Safety concepts through a range of courses, spanning from basic to professional, both initial and recurrent.